Social networks to boost footwear sales in the online channel
Avecal and The Big Zeta have launched a theoretical-practical workshop to show how companies in the sector can use Facebook to sell more.
|25.06.2019| The footwear industry delved into the use of social networks -more specifically on Facebook- as a tool to boost product sales through the online channel. In this line, the Valencian Association of Footwear Entrepreneurs and the specialized agency The Big Zeta held a theoretical-practical workshop focused on the possibilities offered by Facebook for business within e-commerce.
A meeting in the digital domain
The director of Projects and CMO of The Big Zeta, Rocío Román, was responsible for leading this meeting in the digital field. The appointment was intended to respond to «the need for companies to take advantage of new existing sales channels.» For the expert, social networks, in general, represent «a very powerful showcase for the image of the company». Thus, in order to maximize the potential of the RRSS, companies must know how to use them properly.
A matter of image
The image is a fundamental element for the development of the brand, hence it is essential to «take care of the image also in social networks», as Román points out. During the meeting were discussed the Facebook Business Manager tool for professional management of companies, and other issues such as branding and the importance of conversions.
Román insisted that obtaining and measuring results is essential to evaluate sales strategies in online channels. In the workshop, the tool was also made known to the Commercial Manager of this social network, called Pixel. It consists of a code that is installed on the web and that reflects the use made by the user on that website, which makes it possible to make advertising more segmented and, therefore, more efficient.
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