The Intertex project for the development of an internationalization strategy presented its results during the ITMA.

| 06.25.2019 | The Intertex project: Strategy to promote the internationalization of SMEs in the textile-confection sector of the SUDOE space, presented the results on June 21 at the ITMA 2019 fair.

About Intertex

It is a project financed by European FEDER funds within the framework of the INTERREG-SUDOE program. The Ajuntament d’Igualada leads the consortium integrated by MODACC, Agrupació Catalana del textil i moda; ACCIÓ, Agència per la competitivitat de l’empresa; ATEVAL, Association of textile entrepreneurs of the Valencian community; COINTEGA, Confederation of textile industries of Galicia; ATP, Associaçao textil e vestuário de Portugal; and UITSUD, Union des industries textiles sud.

INTER-TEX internationalization guide for textile SMEs, Intertex, ITMA, SMEs in the textile sector

During the 36 months of the project, activities have been developed to promote and facilitate the process of internationalization of SMEs in the textile sector. Work has been done since the coopetition, a term that enhances the work in cooperation between small companies. According to this concept, although the companies are competing with each other, it makes the value of achieving a common objective in the presence in a foreign market higher than the value obtained individually.

New joint internationalization strategy

Thanks to the work developed by the project partners, a new joint strategy has been created for the internationalization of SMEs in the south-west of Europe in the textile sector. This strategy is found in the document INTER-TEX internationalization guide for textile SMEs that was also presented during the day.

The presentation of results within the framework of the ITMA fair highlighted the international nature of the Intertex project and, in addition to presenting the results of the project, it is willing to make known the importance of the cooperation strategy as well as to continue working, giving continuity to the activities of joint internationalization.

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